It's the first time with a porn guy on-camera for Lucy Lenore. Lucy's been doing horny shows at XL Girls for two years, flying solo. When she decided to give full-sex a spin, XL Girls invited her over. We're glad she accepted! After her spanking first scene, Lucy chatted about her experience.
XLGirls: Hi Lucy, did you have a conversation with porn guy Peter Green and the cameraman about the scene before the shoot? What did you discuss?
Lucy: I did. I have worked previously with the cameraman and I knew I enjoyed working with him so I just told him I was nervous, and to feel free to correct me or give me any kinds of direction. As for Peter, I told him it's my first scene and just please be nice to me! Oh, and I take direction well because I am pretty submissive sexually and like being told what to do. And he was nice, he was great.
XLGirls: Had you ever met a pro porn performer in person before this scene?
Lucy: I have. I have met quite a few men and women in the industry. Mostly who work with or in the BBW genre.
XLGirls: What kind of advice or tutoring did Peter give you, if any, before or during this shoot?
Lucy: He was just really supportive, told me we would do great together and not to worry. Just to try and let the scene come together naturally.