Miss Isabelle from New York said we could call her "Izzy." She buys 40G bras, and for bottoms, she said she used to wear a lot of thongs but now prefers boyshorts. She has a few fetishes including the look of the female foot in a high-heeled shoe.
"My breasts got so big so fast that I was very self-conscious when I was growing up. I would hunch over to try to minimize their size. In time I've gotten more comfortable and I'm proud of my breasts now."
Miss Isabelle would like to try out a dildo machine one day. "I've seen them online," she said. The women in these videos look like they're in heaven." The pretty plumper plays with an outside swing and gets busy with a cock-toy.
"I tend to play with my nipples and clit when I masturbate. I rarely penetrate. I have a couple of back massagers plugged in next to my bed. I used them just about every night. I keep one on my nipples and one on my clit. I have a wonderful orgasm and then drift off to sleep."