Mother Nature was crazy-generous to Kamille Amora.
"I've been going back and forth between stripping and trying to do this whole thing with you guys. I've been trying to model for The SCORE Group since I was 18, almost 19. I love being naked and showing off my body. I pretty much walk around my house naked all day."
Long story short, Kamille did connect with TSG, learned a lot and is now a well-known porn star. The list of girls who started at TSG since 1992 is lengthy.
Kamille loves wearing corsets, tank-tops and halter-tops. "I was actually a 32C when I was nine years old, and that's when I realized I was going to have a lot of problems with guys looking at them. I was a tomboy, so that had to end. You can't be a tomboy with tits like these, and then they kept growing. I was a 34 triple-D when I was 13, and by the time I was 16, I was a 36 double-E. I skipped F, went to G, skipped H and went to I. And I still don't know if they're done growing."