"A guy friend of mine told me about XL Girls and said I was pretty enough to be in it and was built perfectly for it," Veronica Vaughn said. "I never would have sent my pictures in or would have thought I was good enough for it. So he sent in some pictures without me knowing and then told me about a week later that he had done it."
That might have freaked out other women who had no real interest in being naked in photos and videos. Not Veronica.
"I actually was okay with it. He knew I wouldn't be freaked out by it. I'm pretty open, I just didn't think I would ever be selected so I didn't send the pictures in myself. I knew there were magazines and sites that had all-natural girls, without boob jobs, but I didn't know there was interest in thicker girls like me."
Having orgasms is a priority for Veronica.
"I used to be really bad about masturbation, but I have gotten better. Bad is, I would be at work and I would tell them I was feeling sick so I could go home and masturbate. Seriously, I had to get something inside me. Sometimes I would just go to the bathroom and get myself off. If I didn't do it, I just couldn't concentrate. It used to be more like five times a day. I couldn't control it. I've gotten better since then. I used to work in a factory. It was dirty and grimy and I just couldn't wait to get home and masturbate. It's all I thought about."