"When I hear people saying that I am gorgeous or that my pictures are amazing, it just makes me feel really good," Renee Ross said. She's one of the greatest of all XL Girls in body and personality. "I read the comments when the urge strikes me. I like it a lot. It's actually something that I thought that I would never do. I don't think that I had the self-confidence to put myself out there like that before. Cause I never really liked my body type before.
"I wouldn't say that I am an exhibitionist anymore, but there was a time when I really was. I think that I have become a lot more mellow these days. I wouldn't say that I have a lot of fantasies. I just like to cum a lot. I think I masturbate somewhere in the ballpark of two to three times a day. It usually relaxes me and helps me go to sleep after a long shift at the hospital."