Allie Pearson? Knockout body. Tits that give a man fits. A face that's more beautiful than a movie star's. All of this wrapped up in a girlfriend package.
XLGirls: What do you do for a boyfriend?
Allie: In bed, I take charge and take care of all of his needs. Out of bed, I cook his favorite meals or I buy it for him. In return, he goes down on me for a long time. He buys me chocolates or flowers and thinks about my needs as much as I think about his.
XLGirls: If you could go anywhere, you'd go to...
Allie: Hawaii or Mexico. I'd lie on the beach and swim in the ocean all day and night.
XLGirls: Do you have any favorite sexual memories, so far?
Allie: Yes, once with a restaurant owner on top of his bar after work, and another time, in a hotel suite overlooking the Dallas skyline.
XLGirls: How do you dress to catch the eye when you go out?
Allie: I like to wear low-cut tops and I attempt to wear high heels for as long as I can.