Renee Ross shops at Lane Bryant for bras. Here, she tries on different bras and the sectioned mirror adds a special dimension to the shoot.
"That store Lane Bryant always has what I need, online," said Renee who made a comeback in 2015 when she found enough time from her nursing job. "They make everything. Every now and again, I will find something in the store but it is really time-consuming to look through the shelves and try and find something.
"I used to wear underwire and then I switched to the ones that were all cloth and now, I am back to wearing underwire again. I switched back. I just like it cause it gives me more back support and that's important. I mean, sometimes underwire hurts, but I will take back support over that."
Renee's beautiful chest precedes her. "My boobs call a lot of attention to me, but I just ignore it. Men are more shocked by my boobs than anything else. That usually means that they stare, but they never come up and say something to me."