Gia Costello a.k.a. @ChickSicillian tells all to XLGirls.
XLGirls: When you're trying on a bra, what do you do to test whether it's going to fit right?
Gia Costello: When you have extra boob coming out the top of the bra, and you can see it through a shirt, I call that "Bubble boob". If there's too much of that, I won't buy it! It looks silly.
XLGirls: What led you into modeling?
Gia Costello: You don't want me to answer. It's not really a happy story. But it's worked out okay for now.
XLGirls: What kind of jobs did you have before you decided to model?
Gia Costello: I was a bartender for several years after college, then I got into healthcare. I still do part-time healthcare now! I like helping people.
XLGirls: Are you called by any nicknames?
Gia Costello: "Gigi, Mama, Baby, Honey."
XLGirls: What is the most-unusual sex position you've ever tried?
Gia Costello: I think a guy wanted me to turn around and hold the wall while he lifted up both my legs. It didn't work out!
XLGirls: Who would you like to do a threesome with?
Umm...yes! I wouldn't be opposed to working with J. Rock or Sean Lawless again! Or both at the same time! I want JMac or Johnny Champ, or both! I would die a happy woman.
XLGirls: Have you ever given a boyfriend a hand job or blow job in a car?
Gia Costello: Yes, both. I haven't been asked to in a while though. I used to give great "roadhead."
XLGirls: If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
Gia Costello: To have an infinite supply of money. To find my "Mr Right". I'm now 40 and still unmarried. I'm starting to think I don't have one. And to live forever, but not age.
XLGirls: Have you ever tried online dating? How'd it go, if you have?
Gia Costello: Once, it didn't go well! The guy confessed he loved feet. But not regular feet. He wanted dirty and smelly feet rubbed right in his face. He asked me if I would get my feet dirty for him and I knew right then I was done with online dating! To each their own but I hate all feet, including mine!
XLGirls: Do you think blind dates are fun?
Gia Costello: I wouldn't want one, especially after that online dating experience!
Gia's favorites list:
Favorite television show: 90 Day Fiancé.
Favorite movie: The Hangover.
Favorite book: "She's Come Undone" by Wally Lamb.
Favorite band: Right now? The Weeknd. (Spelled without the third 'e'.)
Favorite perfume: Daisy by Marc Jacobs.
Favorite drink: Iced Coffee from Dunkin.
Favorite foods: Ice cream and pizza!
Favorite actor: Bradley Cooper.
Favorite singer: Beyonce.