"It is very hard for me to find bikini tops that fit me," says Gya, killing her swimsuit and bursting with juicy energy. "They don't last long on me. When I go to the beach, the guys watch me all the time. One man said to me, I was hoping your top would fall off when a wave hit you!' I seem to attract followers wherever I go. But that is good because I love attention, especially from all men."
Gya likes to play dress-up. She's got the superwoman body for it. We can't even imagine Gya and Tiggle Bitties in the same room together. The roof would blow off.
I really like all kinds of costumes and fantasies. I like being the naughty school girl. That is one of my favorites. I also like being the mean mistress, too. I actually love to dominate men. I like to make them feel bad and deny them pleasure until they beg. I like to be begged to give them something, either sex or just a touch, whatever it is. I like to dominate men and be in control."