For a hot redhead with a great rack, look no further than Destiny Rose. The cornfed Ohio hottie dances and has a website.
"When I an on stage, I like to squeeze my tits together and lick both my nipples at the same time. It feels good. The guys love it. I am sure that if I tried, I could probably stick both my nipples in my mouth at the same time and suck them and hold them there for a while."
Destiny said she is a fat-boy follower.
"I like to go after chubby and fat guys," Destiny said. "I like to chase chubbies. It's what I am into. I just like that there is more to hold onto. I like that. They are cuddly and they are cute. I like it when a man has a big belly. I like to rub it and call him Buddha. I like them bigger so that I don't hurt them because I like to be wild. No guy has ever turned me down when I hit on him."