Michelle May's school days:
"I got a lot of smiles and winks from a lot of the guys. I wouldn't say that I was hated on because I went to school in California and everyone showed a lot of skin. I mean, it is commonplace for people to walk around half-naked in California. I would say that I was the flavor of the week for maybe a week and then people got over it. I got the nickname Shelly Big Boobs and Tits McGee. It was all in good fun. No one ever went out of their way to be nasty to me."
The men for Michelle:
"I like a guy who will take charge. I am not coy, and I don't like people who are. I like assertive men who don't seem phony. I don't want a wimp. I like men who open the door for me and who scoot me through it. I like men who approach me and are straightforward. I don't like games."
"I like it when a man pushes me face down into my pillow, grabs my hips and fucks the shit out of me. I don't like a lot of foreplay. Just fuck me. I like to be taken and ravished by a man when I have sex."