Today was a lot better than yesterday! It was a pretty slow day to be honest. But the sun was shining and that makes my mood 10 times better as is! :) I enjoyed a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich this morning. Then later on in the day I was stuck in some backed up traffic on a 95 mile tow, that's good by the way. It is now 12 a.m and i just got out of a relaxing hot shower. Which was much needed. There are some topic questions I could probably answer! -If i could go on a $10,000 shopping spreeWell lets see i would definitely hire a maid to do my laundry...I don't like doing laundry! I would throw all my clothes away and buy new and cuter clothes. I would throw a HUGE party in the middle of no where and provide all the alcohol, music, and sober cabs! it would be nice to have $10,000 :)