Danica Danali – Home Body

Danica Danali
Danica Danali lives a fairly quiet life. Except when a camera is anywhere near her. Then she transforms. Modeling gets her endorphins pumping and gives her that adrenaline surge of excitement that she enjoys. This is a very common effect, especially with gals who are not adult entertainers 24/7 as a long-term career. See how this plump beauty opens up in front of the camera!

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Ashley Sage Ellison – Swimsuit Splendor

Ashley Sage Ellison
Living near Manchester, England, Ashley Sage Ellison doesn’t get much of a chance to go to the beach. Spending a week in St. Maarten with The SCORE Group was an experience for her. “It reminds me of when I was younger and my family would vacation in Spain. I love the beaches there. Being in Spain was fun, and I love being with my family. But this is a spectacular beach. Truly beautiful.” What does Ashley do for fun… besides modeling swimsuits totally unable to support her breasts? “I like to go clubbing with my friends. You know, the whole girl thing of dressing hot, hitting the scene and not coming home until the wee morning hours. Could we come along with you Ashley?

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Rouge – Mammary Lane: Rouge

Mammary Lane: Rouge

Mammary Lane looks back at a gal who called herself Rouge in her one and only appearance.

Rouge appeared once in XL Girls #73. She was 30 years-old at the time, measured 40-34-38 and weighed 190 lbs. An independent California photographer often found one-shot models, girls who worked at regular jobs and wanted to try hot posing at least once, and he photographed Rouge for XL Girls. He never said how he found her. Or maybe Rouge found him. He always kept away from any kind of glamour-style photography and opted for an amateur, homegrown look.

Later on, Rouge worked for a few years in the business side of adult entertainment as a casting agent, manager, PR person and writer.

See More of Rouge at XLGIRLS.COM!

Emilia Boshe – The Girl In Silk Stockings And A Corset

The Girl In Silk Stockings And A Corset

Emilia can have two sides to her in her videos and pictures. There is the serious, reserved Emilia and there is the fun-loving, easy-going Emilia. "I was shy growing up. Now I am more confident and assured," Emilia says. She should be confident. She has what women spend a lot of money to get but never really can obtain.

German wunderbabe Emilia looks hot in tight green and black lingerie. She has the kind of body that classic corsets and lingerie were made for. Watching a babe in her boudoir is very exciting. Emilia masturbates on-camera regularly, her HH-cup tits swinging hard enough to give a man a black eye. It would be well worth the pain.

Two of Emilia's videos are on DVD: The Greatest Big Bust DVD Ever Volume 3 and Ripe Racks 2 and she has pictorials published in four magazines so far. Check out eBoobStore.com for the editions.

See More of Emilia Boshe at XLGIRLS.COM!

Emilia Boshe – The Girl In Silk Stockings And A Corset

The Girl In Silk Stockings And A Corset

Whoever gets to escort Emilia Boshe when she wants to buy lingerie and bras is one lucky man indeed. In fact, that would be a great contest for Emilia to run in Germany: "Win a day of bra shopping with Emilia." But instead of waiting outside the dressing room, the winner gets to sit inside the fitting room while her Amazonian body is measured and fitted for hot lady underwear. Many would apply.

"I like to have fun and do new things," says 38HH Emilia. "My boobs are so heavy that it can hurt from jumping around. What guys like to see is massaging and playing with my boobs. They ask for that all the time. That's good for me too."

Emilia is a nice German girl who just happens to have a killer body and big boobs. "She was a lot of fun to photograph," says our cameraman. He traveled all the way to Berlin just for her and was in awe of the sheer size and heft of Emilia's massive mams. It was an erotic shock to see them the first time.

See More of Emilia Boshe at XLGIRLS.COM!