Ellie Roe – Ellie’s Bra Show

Ellie's Bra Show

Gorgeous Ellie Roe was always the bustiest girl in school. Now she's enjoying 36F-cups and so are we. Ellie said she was a D-cupper when she was 13. She's used to attention because of her big boobs and expects it at this point.

"There's nothing I can really do to cover them," Ellie says. "Even when I wear T-shirts, you can tell I have big boobs. I get looks from both men and women. It's actually more weird if people don't look at my tits. It feels like something is off if you don't look."

Ellie tries on hooter holsters in this bra show. There's no shortage of volunteers willing to lend her a hand when it comes to trying on bras. Or anything else Ellie does.

Besides trying on bras, Ellie tape-measures her bod and even plays with her big boobs and luscious pussy. She loves to cum or, as the British say, "arrive."

See More of Ellie Roe at XLGIRLS.COM!

Ellie Roe – The British Titter

The British Titter

Beautiful Ellie Roe from Essex has that special talent in making the video viewer feel as if she is talking directly to him. She engages you. She speaks to you. She pulls you in. She's your virtual sexy date.

"If a girl has good boobs, she should flaunt them," says Ellie in her breathy, erotic voice. If only more girls felt that way. Ellie is the first British model XL Girls has filmed since Gina George.

"Do I have any special talents? If that involves my boobs, I can lick both of my nipples at the same time. Does that count?"

It sure does. That's a definite talent in our world.

See More of Ellie Roe at XLGIRLS.COM!

Ellie Roe – The British Titter

The British Titter

Ellie Roe says modeling is the most-fun activity she's ever done. XL Girls agrees with her. Doesn't it beat slaving in an office or a store? And it's far more lucrative, especially if a girl has the right stuff, and Ellie has the right stuff with stuff to spare. She moves in a sensuous, graceful and seductive way.

Ellie likes shopping (what girl doesn't?), writing erotic books, singing, walking and watching shows. When Ellie mentioned walking, she tapped into one of our favorite hobbies: watching girls built like Ellie walk in a tight, low-cut tanktop or dress and high heels.

Please note Ellie's neatly trimmed bush. That's rare these days when many women depilate their pubes.

"I enjoy my body every day. I love my Magic Wand. When I'm with a guy, teasing and anticipation gives me amazing orgasms. I'm old-fashioned about dating. I like men who wine and dine a lady and set up romantic dinner dates."

See More of Ellie Roe at XLGIRLS.COM!

Ellie Roe – New Discovery

New Discovery

Ellie Roe, our latest discovery from across the pond, is a woman of varying interests. One of her most surprising interests is that she's a big wrestling fan and watches WWE events as often as she can. With a body like hers, we wouldn't mind rumbling and tumbling on the mat for a round or two. Though, when we finally pinned her, we wouldn't let a referee's count to three end our sex match. And we don't think Ellie would mind one bit. She's a very kinky girl.

"I like to keep things interesting in the bedroom," Ellie said. "I like dressing up in leather and whatnot. I'm also into spanking and a little bondage, too. It's a fun opportunity for me to be the one to take control."

Ellie still has a few items to check off her fuck-it list, though.

"I'd really like to have sex outdoors. It could be in a park or just a public place. A bathroom or a dressing room would work, too. The fear of getting caught would make it hot." Ellie is also into girls and her first time was with an older woman. "She really had her way with me. I loved every bit of it."

See More of Ellie Roe at XLGIRLS.COM!

Ellie Roe – New Discovery

New Discovery

Boob hounds, say hello to Ellie Roe. She's 26 years old and our latest British import. Ellie was referred to us by Charley Green, a former SCORE Girl. We owe Charley big-time for this one. Ellie is drop-your-load drop-dead-gorgeous. She's smart, confident and kind of a firecracker, too. "I like singing and learning new languages," Ellie said. "I love reading, too. I'm really into erotic novels. I like getting wrapped up in the fantasy of it all." Right now, our hands are wrapped around our cocks and we're wrapped up in a fantasy about Ellie.

Ellie says she was always the bustiest girl in school. Ellie is a 36F-cupper now and says she was already a D-cup by the time she was 13. She's accustomed to getting loads of attention because of her boobs and expects it at this point. "There's nothing I can really do to cover them," Ellie says. "Even when I wear t-shirts, you can tell I have big boobs. I get looks from both men and women. It's actually more weird if people don't look at my tits. It feels like something is off if you don't look." Ellie won't have any reason to feel weird with us. There's no way we're looking at anything but her tits.

See More of Ellie Roe at XLGIRLS.COM!