Analee Sands truly fits the definition of "All Stacked, All Natural, All Plump." What a babe! Her fetish was CMNF aka "Clothed Man Nude Female" sex. Her fantasy was to have her own nude beach.
Analee: I'm a dick chick.
XL Girls: Does the size matter?
Analee: Not really, as long as you hit the right spot.
XL Girls: Have your boobs ever fallen out of a bra or shirt by accident?
Analee: More times than I can count. My family hates it when I wear tanktops. I'll bend over too far and my boobs just migrate and fall out. I love horse-back riding, and the joke was that they needed duct tape and a bungee chord to hold my boobs in. I need to wear two sports bras to ride a horse for 10 minutes.
XL Girls: Your boobs fell out while you were riding a horse?
Analee: One time they did, yes. And my family never let me live it down. They were just bouncing around so much, and I was wearing a regular bra, and there was no way they were going to stay inside.
XL Girls: Now you embrace your boobs and want to show them off?
Analee: Sometimes. It depends on my mood. Sometimes I can be outgoing, sometimes I just want to be alone. But whenever I was in the mood to be outgoing, my friends would run for the hills. Because if I came out, you just wouldn't know what to expect. I've dressed up in some of the smallest tops and some of the skimpiest little bottoms. Like, for Halloween.