Tighter and tighter.
Jeans, that is.
Risque Waters enjoys anything that's lots of fun.
The funniest pick-up line she's ever been handed is "I wanna tap dat ass."
The worst thing a man can ever say is "Those are some big ta-tas." Substitute that for "That sweater looks very nice on you."
XLGirls: What sexually satisfies you best?
Risque Waters: A cock in my pussy.
XLGirls: Do you start sex or do you wait for the guy to take charge?
Risque Waters: If I waited for a guy, I'd still be a virgin!
XLGirls: How often do you like to get fucked?
Risque Waters: About four times a week, if not more.!
That says it all. Risque has no trouble getting lots of offers, not with that body and sex-loving attitude.