I’ll never be able to praise this model enough. She is ELECTRIC of the utmost proportions. She is painfully gorgeous and immeasurably sexy in all ways thinkable. I have to say that her scene in Ready for Stuffing is so erotic it kills. She has this wonderful salmon colored dress which has a lovely low V-cut neck line showing tremendous cleavage and down below the hemline she has sexy stockings and garters. The part that slays me is when she sits in a chair all slumped down and spreads her legs with herr breasts splayed out and spilling out to the sides; she then and begins to play with her pussy and writhing in ecstasy…the way her body position is in the chair and how muck or little of her gorgeous sumptuous body is revealed is incredibly sexy…to top it off, she plays out the scene very well with her erotic voice and movements. Arianna is one in a gazillion and I hope she does more with The Score Group. Check out her awesome pictures.