Skye is a newcomer to XLGirls who became fast friends with Marilyn Mayson when their visits intersected. They drove the bartenders and waiters crazy when they went out in the evening, not to mention the general population of Miami.
"Sex in public is fresh, risque and highly recommended. I had sex at Patriot Place [near Gillette Stadium] during a football game. We snuck away during half time and found some hay piles with pumpkin displays and decided to get down to it. I guess football games turn me on in a whole different way."
"I have no gag reflex. You could call that my special talent."
"I like romantic dates, staying home naked to cook meals and going to football games."
"The funniest pick-up line a guy ever said to me was 'Does your chest have All-State insurance? Because your chest needs to be in good hands.'"
"I like sex about twice a day. Doggie is my favorite position. Good oral always sets the mood."