"I struck out a lot with boys in high school," says Destiny Rose, a vision of pure eroto-voluptuosity in her filmy negligee. Were they insane? Who would turn down a second with this busty angel?
"I dated a lot of older men in high school. Older guys, like in their 20s. They liked me. When I got out of high school, I started dancing at 19. My club is off the highway so I get a lot of truck drivers who stop in for a bite to eat. On the weekends it's a younger crowd. It's fun; I like dancing on the weekends."
And what about her dating and sex life situation? What's that like now? "I just date big, fat men. It's what does it for me!"
Huh? What? Fat dudes?
"I just like that there is more to hold on to. Bigger guys are just, well, bigger. I like that. They are cuddly and they are cute. I like it when a man has a big belly. I like to rub it and call him Buddha. I think it's hot. I like them bigger, so that I don't hurt them because I like to be wild."
Destiny told a story that got us pissed off. It happened during one of her trips to Miami when she decided to visit a strip club near us after a shoot. We'd have been happy to escort her but she didn't ask.
"I went to the Pink Pony here in Miami. I loved it. I went by myself and they actually kicked me out! I wanted to go and check it out and I was hungry, so I wanted to get a cheeseburger. But they have a rule that you can't go in without a male escort and I didn't have one. I smiled at the bouncer and he let me in anyway. So I went in alone. And I ate my food and then I was checking out the girls and then they kicked me out!"