You can feel the energy shift when Sarah Rae enters a room. First, because she's bubbly and vivacious. Sarah's personality lights up a room when she makes an entrance. But if we're going to be honest, the real reason the energy shifts when Sarah enters a room is because everyone's staring at them. Her tits... which are 36JJs and essentially have homing beacons on them. You have no choice but to look. With all of the attention her tits get, Sarah has developed some big tit tricks, too.
"I'm a professional big-booby bouncer," she said. "It happens on its own when I'm walking, but a lot of times when I'm sitting in a restaurant I do find myself doing it. It's second nature to me now."
We doubt the wait staff or the clientele have any complaints when Sarah begins her booby bounces. Of course, subconscious booby bouncing isn't the only--or the best--trick Sarah has up her bra straps. Sarah's self-suckling of her tits are the stuff of legend, and she may be the only girl greater at them than the legendary Gya Roberts. From hands-free self-sucks to hands-free, double-tit self-sucks, no one comes close to matching Sarah in this respect. Sarah shows off her titty-sucking prowess in her latest pictorial, even going as far as sucking her own tits while doing a split. No one does it like Sarah.