Besides my birthday, which is a pretty good day, I LOVE All Hallow's Eve, or as society calls it "Halloween". Why do I love it? Is it the costumes? Is it the candy that becomes aviable in black and orange themes? Is it the scary movies that play with your mind while you reflect on what All Hallow's Eve stands for? To me All Hallow's Eve is fun, because I stay home, with the lights out and watch the classic black and white films. Ideally, I'd love to be at a party, dressed in a cleavage revealing outfit, that shows off my curves. The only parties around here, are either for families or at clubs where people are drinking more then they should. Those options don't appeal to me, as I don't have young people with me who love candy, and I like to be in control of my thoughts and actions. Thats why staying home and watching the classic movies like Dracula, The Invisable Man, The Mummy and even The Wolf Man, which is by far the scariest for me, are ideal. I'll watch them back to back, snacking on popcorn with M&M's in it. The candy will be outside, with a nicely phrased punny sign and I don't get egged.Keep in mind, I'm single and life is pretty boring when you live alone. When you live in a small town there isn't much to do. I'm sure others know this feeling. I know these blog entrys are meant to draw people in, but we're told to be ourselves, so people can get to know us. Who knows, maybe I'm not the only one who does this on All Hallows Eve?