Close to a year after her debut at XL Girls, Amiee Roberts decided to take the plunge and try a boy-girl scene. Compared to everyday sex, Amiee found the experience, in her words, "Much better, less drama attached. And I find it sexy to have sex with a professional stud. I can just let everything go." Newcomers often share this same point of view, even if they have zero plans to ever become professional porn stars.
XLGirls: So Amy, do you like to talk dirty in bed?
Amiee: At times I think role playing can be fun and arousing as well!
XLGirls: What is the craziest thing you've ever done in bed, either alone or with a boyfriend?
Amiee: I've masturbated while a guy was having his cock sucked by another woman.
XLGirls: What superpower would you like to have for one day?
Amiee: I want to fly.
XLGirls: If you can choose any word or sentence printed on your T-shirt, what would it be?
Amiee: Goddess.
XLGirls: What do you consider the perks of having big breasts?
Amiee: A lot of attention from guys, and girls sometimes.
XLGirls: Have you ever dated a shorter guy whose face was level with your boobs?
Amiee: No, I haven't.
XLGirls: Hey, you're missing out. Thanks, Amiee.