Any day with Roxee Robinson is a good day. On this day, Roxee spends her afternoon at poolside in her first outdoor shoot. She's brought some goodies with her as well as the wine, a toy and something to snack on. Pull up a towel and join her.
XLGirls: Roxee, if you can choose any word or sentence printed on your T-shirt, what would it be?
Roxee: Love.
XLGirls: What kind of dreams do you have?
Roxee: The very dirty kind. I often have sexy, steamy dreams. The ones where I wake up super horny!
XLGirls: Have you ever dated a shorter guy whose face was level with your boobs?
Roxee: No, I'm pretty short, only 5'2" so the guy would have to be really short!
XLGirls: What do you consider the perks of having big breasts?
Roxee: It makes it really easy to have my way with men!
XLGirls: Have it your way, Roxee.