Monica Love has her hair up because it's shower time and everyone loves seeing a plump morsel get wet and soapy. Monica enters the bathroom in a lacey negligee but doesn't take it off before she gets into the tub. That's because she's going to shower in her negligee, and take it off a few minutes later. Every inch of her delectable, chubby body is a paradise of pulchritude.
"Men will say to me, 'Monica, how big and beautiful your eyes are' and they are looking at my breasts," Monica said, laughing. "I understand them and I think that it is funny. I know they cannot help themselves."
"My sexual fantasy is to be with a girl. I've never done this but I would like to try it at least once." Monica didn't say what kind of girl she wants, whether tall, short, plump, slim or busty. But she wants someone who likes to play with nipples and enjoys cunnilingus.