Newcomer Monica Love has it all, face, body, boobs and bum. She's smart, saucy, cuddly and adorable. She seems shy but she's not shy at all. Always smiling, giggling and talking, engaged with what she's doing as the cameras roll. She must be a fun girl to go out with.
And Monica has many skills including domestic skills. One of Monica's early interviews was done while she was ironing one of her dresses. Our TSG president himself watched it and commented about how expertly she folded it. Maybe they still teach domestic science to girls in Europe, unlike the States where they now teach girls lessons in how to act like Kim Kardashian.
In this visit with Monica, she's in the kitchen whipping up some egg batter. She's wearing a skintight outfit under her apron and is every inch a dish herself. Unfortunately, or fortunately, she spills some on her heavy, firm breasts. Looks like that dress is going to have to come off....
The last time we checked, Monica said she hadn't watched her videos with anyone. "I think if I watched one of my videos with a guy, he would love it, I hope, because I enjoyed making it. I would love to watch my videos with someone. It is my dream to have sex watching them."