Her boyfriend is a fan of XLGirls so Alyson Galen decided to bare all due to his encouragement. Now that's an unselfish friend to us. Not like some guys we know who make their big boobed girls wear mumus before they can leave the house. Actually, Alyson says she doesn't wear clothes that are designed to attract attention to her 44F-caliber weapons but she still does get a lot of attention because of her chest. "I used to feel embarrassed but not anymore," says Alyson. So it's great that she's doffed her bra and panties to play with her delightfully plump body and twiddle her lady-parts at our palace of pulchritude. Walk softly and suck on a big lollipop is our advice to models and Alyson is taking advantage of our suggestion! "I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue," Alyson said. A handy skill indeed. XLGirls is always looking for new talent. Email us at SCOREModelsWanted.com.