I'm not sure if you guys ever read these or not. But I am definitely sorry for not going online in so long. I'm just still not sure about it. What if it affects a potential job down the line? What if I'm helping a creepy family member get off and I don't even know it? Not only that, my fiance definitely disapproves of me doing this. He understands my reason for doing it, but I know he's not ok with it. Anyway,I'm gonna talk about my favorite sex toys. I used to work at a sex shop a couple of years ago, and I got to see all the cool toys and lingerie and lube and anything else you could think of that was out there. I personally own two dildos. One is a vibrating one, the other is a big, fat, pretend cock. The big, fat one is my favorite. I remember messing around with a guy who would use a similar one on me, and I had to get my own for when he wasn't around. At first, it was hard to do it myself but now I can do it with little trouble. It's definitely my go-to when I wanna get myself off. I use the vibrator for anal play. Most times, I use them together. Talk about a massive orgasm!!!! Maybe one day soon I will be able to show off my lonesome fun. Hmm we shall see!