Joeena Juggs only modeled once at XL Girls. She seduced and abandoned us but never let 'em see ya cry is our philosophy. It was a shame to not shoot Joeena again and get a few more scenes. Win some, lose some, win some more. In any event, we move forward and keep the search going to find the best and hottest XL Girls.
Joeena was paired with Talon for this video. Now Talon is the brother of famous TT Boy, the porn actor turned producer so ramming and slamming girls runs in the family. Talon really did pound the fucking hell out of Joeena and that's the kind of sex partner that's needed to get a really hot copulatory canoodling.
We talked to Joeena after they fucked and came.
"At first, I thought it would just be a job, but once I got in bed with my co-star, it was like, wow!" Joeena said. "But what turned me on most, I think, was the photo shoot. I felt really sexy. I think that's great that so many guys will jerk off to my pictures. But it might be a little weird if I'm out in public and a stranger says to me, 'I saw you in XL Girls. Aren't you Joeena Juggs?' I don't know how I would handle that. I just don't know what I'm supposed to say. It would be weird but cool to autograph the magazine. I'm proud of it, and I wouldn't deny it. I'm not that kind of a person."
"In my normal, everyday life, my religion is Wiccan. I'm a Pagan, a white witch. So even my religion is something that's a little different. It celebrates the elements: earth, air, fire and water, and the spirit that resides in all of us. And our rituals are performed naked. I am the high priestess of a coven. I have seven members, and we've been practicing for more than nine years. I was born a witch. My parents will tell you that I could always sense things. I can tell when things are going to happen, like when someone is getting a cold."
"By the time I got to junior high school, I was a double-D. And I got harassed for it, believe me. The girls used to gang up on me. I think they were jealous. I'm 5'11", and I was always tall. I'm 6'3" with platform heels. I hated my breasts at first. I started liking them when I was old enough to go to the bars, and I realized that they got me phone numbers."
"When I was making the video, the guy was so gentle with my tits, and I was like, 'You don't have to be that gentle, honey!' Hey, handle me! I'm a big woman. I like to be manhandled! I want to be thrown down on the bed. If I'm getting it doggie-style, pull my hair, slap my ass!"