Joanna Lake is a hardworking sales representative discovered in Romania. This is her second time before the XLGirls camera. Among the props she received her first time was "Joanna is an awesome find." (Tom) and "I managed to get beyond those great tits and shapely legs and discovered those alluring eyes." (BJ). How far Joanna wants to take modeling is a question we don't have an answer to yet. She looks more relaxed in these pictures. Joanna does have a compelling look, a penetrating gaze in her eyes as BJ mentioned last time. Hey, where'd those cuffs come from in photos (39-42)? Is there some secret side to her? "I have a demanding job so when I go home, I like to relax and go to bed early. There is never enough time on the weekends. I like to meet friends for lunch or visit a cultural attraction on Saturday or Sunday... perhaps go to the cinema or watch television and see what I've missed all week. I am interested to read what people will say about me when they see my pictures. It will influence my decisions."