Harmony White smokes the pipe in her second XXX scene at XL Girls and this time, Mr. Jax Black has the honors of providing the pipe. Mr. Black gives Miss White the works, dicking her good and unloading on her big, creamy jugs.
XL Girls: Do you like to have your nipples pinched or pulled?
Harmony: Both. My nipples are very sensitive and I get a lot of pleasure from hand or mouth contact with my breasts.
XL Girls: What makes your nipples very hard?
Harmony: I think because I am always horny and always thinking about sex. They just stay hard all the time.
XL Girls: What is something you have tried, but will never do again?
Harmony: Wall sex. I'm a big girl. I guess I make guys weak!
XL Girls: Are any models an inspiration to you?
Harmony: Jenna Jameson. The first one I ever saw!