Whoever gets to escort Emilia Boshe when she wants to buy lingerie and bras is one lucky man indeed. In fact, that would be a great contest for Emilia to run in Germany: "Win a day of bra shopping with Emilia." But instead of waiting outside the dressing room, the winner gets to sit inside the fitting room while her Amazonian body is measured and fitted for hot lady underwear. Many would apply.
"I like to have fun and do new things," says 38HH Emilia. "My boobs are so heavy that it can hurt from jumping around. What guys like to see is massaging and playing with my boobs. They ask for that all the time. That's good for me too."
Emilia is a nice German girl who just happens to have a killer body and big boobs. "She was a lot of fun to photograph," says our cameraman. He traveled all the way to Berlin just for her and was in awe of the sheer size and heft of Emilia's massive mams. It was an erotic shock to see them the first time.