The date: now. The place: a hideaway for sex. The event: a horny housewife being bad to the bone. The participants: popular XL Girl Danica Danali and her call-a-cock.
Danica Danali is back and eager to get it on. Big tits need the big boy. And Danica deserves one.
A little Q&A about T&A:
XLGirls: Have you watched your previous XL Girls scenes, going back to 2010?
Danica: "For the most part, I've seen all of the photos and some video scenes."
XLGirls: Did you watch them alone or with somebody?
Danica: "I typically skim through the videos alone but my husband goes through the photos with me. I usually love the photos. My husband loves both the photos and the videos. I have issues with seeing myself on-video."
XLGirls: Have you and your husband had sex watching your scenes?
Danica: "Not during, but immediately after, yes."
XLGirls: Has modeling changed your personality?
Danica: "Not really. I'm still the same me."
XLGirls: Don't go changin', Danica. Unless it's into something very skimpy.