These classified photos of the busty legend Cherry Brady in her army uniform at her barracks have been passed around military bases all over the world since they were first released. They've led to a huge uptick in enlistment in the U.S. military ever since. She makes us proud to be tit men. Even Cherry's doohickey is camouflaged. Fucking or fighting, we'd follow Commander Brady anywhere. What's a national holiday without those big tits and sexy body?
Cherry likes riding dirt bikes and is proud to have a concealed weapons permit. She's one of the great tit self-suckers in our history. Her dream car would be the Brady Bunch's station wagon. And her big sexual fantasy is to get gangbanged by a boatload of sailors.
"I have a very adventurous life," said Cherry. "I like to get out there and do all sorts of stuff. I like to ride dirt bikes and scuba dive. I like to see where the road takes me. I like to get into stuff. I usually get in trouble. One time I even broke all Ten Commandments in one day!"