Are you ready for nipple self-sucking and preggo play? Are you ready for the always sexy Roxanne Miller?
XLGirls: So Roxanne, did you find yourself hornier and craving sex during pregnancy?
Roxanne: Yes! I am just in bed on my left side and my right tit is pressing against the left one and the clit in the middle yells something like, "Hey, I like this pressure! I want to have some fun!"
XLGirls: Can you do any tricks with your boobs?
Roxanne: Never tried but I think that if I try I might do it. I can use my tits as a plate though! There is enough space!
XLGirls: Do you do things like cleaning or watching TV at home topless or naked?
Roxanne: It's still pretty hot here now so I wear a cotton tank top around the house. But I do get out on the balcony to get a clean tee-shirt or a clean bra and yes, I have neighbors!