Beti Phellasio is the covergirl of September '13 XL Girls magazine (SCORE Special 253) and she's already a major hit with readers, especially in the UK where it's a top-selling topshelf magazine.
If you've seen her videos and sets at XLGirls.com, you know that Beti is horny and hot to the highest degree. She will tell a guy point-blank that she wants to shag him. No game-playing or waiting for the object of her interest to make the first move. Beti also believes in lust at first sight and doesn't like to lose the moment. Beti's even shagged a guy on a train during the day which is not easy to do and not get caught. Anyone who looks this sexy and says her special talent is deep-throating is someone we want to know better. It was a good day when XL Girls and Beti connected.
An artist/model, Beti loves going to concerts, raves and parties and if the event includes dancing, count her in. We'll be counting the days until Beti returns. Hopefully, she will.