"Men really don't hit on me," Anna Kay said.
We didn't expect to hear that.
"Men are usually intimidated by me. I think it's because I am tall and built this way, they're afraid to approach me. When I lived in Atlanta, I would get hit on by a lot of black guys. But not really anytime else. Guys are intimidated.
"Men in uniform are not intimidated by me at all. In fact, when I am with a man in uniform, I feel like they can protect me. I feel safe. But at the same time, because they come off as so strong, I feel like I can be free during sex and be really, really dirty and get wild, too.
"I think that I am more the spontaneous type, so I just let things happen and go with it. I am a girl who goes with the flow. Usually I enjoy being submissive and letting the guy do what he wants to do to me."