When the editors first saw Amerie Thomas, a famous SCORE Girl from the early years of the magazine came to mind. After considerable brain racking, the connection was made. Amerie resembles pretty Letha Weapons, a very popular, very busty dancer and porn star. Amerie's face, not her body. Yes, we look at the models' faces, too. They even have the same lower lip curl.
What was Amerie's most-fun job? (Not counting taking off her clothing for photographers.)
"I worked at an Orange Julius in a mall. It didn't feel like a job at all. All of my friends worked in the mall too." We've yet to see anyone as stacked as Amerie at an Orange Julius. Maybe this would be a good place to leave BeASCOREModel.com cards.
"I was an early bloomer," said Amerie. "I had 34B breasts at 12. Very awkward considering I lived in a small town. The boys looked at me like a piece of meat.
"I don't go to the gym but I am walking or running the streets of New York City every day." And let's not forget all that rubbing and squeezing Amerie does.