Allie Pearson. She's the reason for the season on our calendar. As this year draws to a close, let us thank Santa for delivering Allie to XL Girls. She's a holiday miracle. The ever-smiling blue-eyed brunette beauty shows her holiday gift bag and reaches in. With her eyes all aglow, Allie pulls out a present made by Doc Johnson's elves. Because a girl can't do anything with a partridge in a pear tree.
Allie was a guest on SCOREtv Season 2 Episode 3 talking about what it's like for the boyfriends of very busty girls. (They have our deepest sympathies.) Very educational stuff! Her second SCOREtv appearance in Season 2 episode 4 features Allie in a skit called "How many items can Allie stuff between her bra?" This too is educational.
"My boobs are my biggest assets and minimizes my other flaws," says Allie. Flaws? What flaws? She's perfection. Thanks for being you, Allie.