In reality, there are very few strip clubs featuring dancers with XL bodies in the US. They are really hard to find. We've known a few over the years but they went out of business. There is a strip club circuit for big girls made up of private clubs. These also come and go. Bunny De La Cruz once mentioned dancing in a club for big beauties in California. Most strip clubs feature "boob jobs on a stick" and with the severe drop in the super-busty features of the 1990s and many feature superstars retiring, it's difficult to find any kind of really big tits in a dance club! We aimed to rectify that shortage by creating our own club, populated by Alix Lakehurst, Daniella Grey, Charlie Cooper, Sadie Berry and Julia Juggs. What a line-up! The greatest big girl strip club! A man would spend his life in there if he could. The proof is in the pictures. Driving men crazy is their game.