A lot of men (and women) ask me what do I look for in a partner or significant other. Maybe not even something with feelings: friends with benefits even. It's such a simple question and yet, I feel like I make such a long answer of it.I like you to be attractive. In my eyes, attractive means: taller than me (5"5+), decent hygiene (especially teeth), and a good sense of humor. Humor is one thing that will always make a man or woman more attractive. It adds an aura to them that sends a flag to me saying that they are fuckable.I like for them to be able to make conversation. Conversation/communication is a biggie, even in friends with benefits situation. I'd rather everything be calm and cool that awkward and--- yea.Another good trait is respect. That can go either a couple ways. Respect for themselves, others, and especially family. If you treat your family worse than you treat me, what's telling me that you won't be the same way? Anyways: respect is always a BIG thing for me.I believe that's about it in my eyes..Tell me fans, what do YOU look for? What do YOU desire?I definitely plan on doing some shows over the weekend, so pop in and say heyyyy!!Alexis xoxoxo