When Aspen got it cooking on-set as she does here with Joey, she didn't change and turn into someone else. Like Cherry Brady, she was always herself whether in front of a camera or just having lunch with the staff.
"It gives me a chance to be more of who I really am," Aspen said. "At home I work in a professional environment for a large company, so I don't get to be this side of my personality. Here I have the freedom to really enjoy and explore my sexuality and my openness. I love to be watched, so it's very exciting and it's different and it's safe and comfortable and it's fun. It's so much fun here
"I dress conservatively, naturally. That's not always easy with a rack the size of mine. In fact, my boss compliments me on the days when I hide 'the girls' a little more than usual. It's hard to find professional clothes that fit me because of the size of my chest. I can cover up the cleavage. I can't easily hide the size and shape of my boobs, but I can at least control how much of them is actually showing."