First XXX

First XXX

It's the first time with a porn guy on-camera for Lucy Lenore. Lucy's been doing horny shows at XL Girls for two years, flying solo. When she decided to give full-sex a spin, XL Girls invited her over. We're glad she accepted! After her spanking first scene, Lucy chatted about her experience.

XLGirls: Hi Lucy, did you have a conversation with porn guy Peter Green and the cameraman about the scene before the shoot? What did you discuss?

Lucy: I did. I have worked previously with the cameraman and I knew I enjoyed working with him so I just told him I was nervous, and to feel free to correct me or give me any kinds of direction. As for Peter, I told him it's my first scene and just please be nice to me! Oh, and I take direction well because I am pretty submissive sexually and like being told what to do. And he was nice, he was great.

XLGirls: Had you ever met a pro porn performer in person before this scene?

Lucy: I have. I have met quite a few men and women in the industry. Mostly who work with or in the BBW genre.

XLGirls: What kind of advice or tutoring did Peter give you, if any, before or during this shoot?

Lucy: He was just really supportive, told me we would do great together and not to worry. Just to try and let the scene come together naturally.

See More of Lucy Lenore at XLGIRLS.COM!

First XXX

First XXX

Lucy Lenore started modeling at XL Girls at the start of 2015. She runs an adult shop in Ohio.

"I've sold SCORE Group magazines at my store for years," Lucy explained. "And I never thought anything of it, or that I could be one of your models. But one day one of my regulars mentioned it to me and thought I would do well. I saw the advertisement on the back of the magazines, and here I am."

Lucy's made several trips to XL Girls for hot boobs and pussy shows. Here we go with Lucy's very first hardcore scene. Check out her deep throating. Awesome. After this on-camera "cherry-busting," we talked to Lucy about it.

XLGirls: Hi Lucy, tell us about your first hardcore scene. What was it like for you?

Lucy: I was really nervous at first. I've only slept with five people and I've never even had a one night stand! But it's something I've always wanted to have the courage to do. It was actually really great. I was super nervous until about five minutes in. Then I knew I could do it! It was fun and I'm really glad I did it.

XLGirls: What changed your mind about doing hardcore?

Lucy: It was a bunch of things really. I mean it's always something I've thought about but couldn't because of who I was dating or where I was in life. But I figure I'm an adult and I don't have kids so I just said fuck it and jumped in.

XLGirls: What did you like better, shooting the still photos or the video, and why?

Lucy: I like both! I like the stills because I get to look pretty and I love modeling! But the videos were fun too in making a connection to a total stranger and trying to bring energy to the scene. It was a whole new experience for me. I loved it!

XLGirls: Was this scene what you thought it would be?

Lucy: Not at all but to be fair I had no idea what it would be like. I can say that I handled it way better than I thought I could. I'm really proud of myself and I am so happy I took this step.

See More of Lucy Lenore at XLGIRLS.COM!

Good Morning With Sarah Rae

Good Morning With Sarah Rae

The grogginess of sleep will be over in a flash and you'll snap to alertness when you shuffle into the kitchen and see girl-next-doorish Sarah Rae pouring a cup of coffee for you. As an added bonus, she's decided to model her new pink tube dress and high heels. Here's a girl who should be put on a pedestal. She's a living work of art.

We popped into the studio to chat with Sarah before this scene.

XLGirls: Do you wear a bra all the time?

Sarah: I only wear bras when I go out. I normally don't wear them around the house or while I sleep.

XLGirls: What is the #1 thing your fans want to see you do?

Sarah: Probably hardcore but I don't think it's for me. Besides that, flash my titties. I like flashing my titties.

XLGirls: Along that line, do you watch adult videos?

Sarah: I don't really watch adult videos. My imagination is way better. Most adult videos are fake. Plus the dudes are kind of gross. I find maybe one out of every twenty porn studs okay. It's not really marketed for women. What's up with all these monster cocks? Some of this stuff just looks painful. Keep in mind this is just my opinion here.

XLGirls: Your opinion is valued. A girl has to want to do hardcore.

See More of Sarah Rae at XLGIRLS.COM!

Good Morning With Sarah Rae

Good Morning With Sarah Rae

The best part of waking up is Sarah Rae's boobs in her bra cups. It's a pleasure to stumble into the kitchen and find Sarah Rae poured into her new, skintight punk dress as she pours you a good morning cup of coffee. This kind of curve-hugging tube dress should be in every girl's closet!

We visited the set to see Sarah and catch up. The coffee was gone but who cares. Sarah's cups woke us up real quick.

XLGirls: So Sarah, what do you like to do for fun these days?

Sarah: I like riding mopeds and taking pictures of hot chicks!

XLGirls: How do other women react to you when they see how stacked you are?

Sarah: It's a toss-up. The last lady I met told me that my boobies were held up by angels.

XLGirls: Have any busty models in XL or SCORE been an inspiration to you?

Sarah: My favorite model is Micky Bells. Her titties are inspirational!

XLGirls: What are your thoughts about breast reductions?

Sarah: What a terrible idea! I think reductions and enlargements are both silly. I think we should all be proud of the bodies we have unless there is a more serious condition going on. I would be stoked about my breasts regardless of if I had B cups or J cups. I wish more people would consider positivity over surgery.

See More of Sarah Rae at XLGIRLS.COM!

Rise & Grind

Rise & Grind

One of the all-time hottest girls, everything about Cat Bangles radiates sex and seductiveness, starting with her come-fuck-me eyes, continuing with her enormous naturals and ending at her titillating toes. She's so hot, you can get third-degree burns just touching her.

"I usually play with myself before I go on a date so I can focus on him and not think about sex the whole time unless I'm too horny. Then we could have sex in the middle of our date and then finish our date after that!

"I'm a very forward girl when I want something. So if I see a very masculine guy I think is attractive I'll let him know the first chance I get. The best advice I can give is to just come straight up to me if you are turned on by me and talk to me. Don't be shy. I love a macho man!"

See More of Cat Bangles at XLGIRLS.COM!