A Rose for Xena Zoraki

A Rose for Xena Zoraki

Xena Zoraki used to work as a masseuse. Just imagine lying on a massage table and Xena walks into the room to rub you the right way.

"I like to have fun outside and sunbathe," is Xena's idea of a fun date. "If someone wants to cuddle me naked outside under a blanket, I am happy."

Xena's girl-pleasing toy in this boob-jiggling scene is rose-shaped, something she picked up in an adult shop. She slid it into her bush garden and made her thick, curvy body tremble with orgasmic pleasure. When she reached her eye-rolling climax, she put it in her mouth straight out of her pussy to taste her cum-juices.

"I have fantasies of being shared by multiple partners all at once," Xena said. "If things get rough, and they all cum in me, I would melt."

See More of Xena Zoraki at XLGIRLS.COM!

A Rose for Xena Zoraki

A Rose for Xena Zoraki

"When I'm masturbating, I love to rub my clit so that when I'm inserting my toy in my pussy, I cum all over it," expert bra-stretcher Xena Zoraki said. "I do lots of my own nipple sucking and squeezing too."

Wonder-girl Xena does her nipple sucking and licking after she talks about how a guy sent her roses, a gift that got her so heated she went to an adult store and bought a toy shaped like a rose. She brought it with her to XLGirls so she could cum on-camera.

Xena jiggles and bounces her massive tits, wrapping her top around each breast and then around both breasts. Xena has heavy, incredible boobs that make other girls hit their boyfriends when they turn around to check her out.

See More of Xena Zoraki at XLGIRLS.COM!

Sweater Girl

Sweater Girl

Jennica Lynn has tremendous personality and charisma both in person and on-camera. In her videos and still pictorials, she has an instinctive ability to make you feel as if you are the only guy, as if you were actually in the room with her. The Sweden-born UK resident was a natural to get into modeling instead of the 9-to-5 grind.

There's a standing bedroom mirror Jennica looks into during "Sweater Girl" and the view is beautiful from both angles. What does this dream girl do to make a guy friend feel special? Besides actually letting him have the privilege of entering her personal space?

Says Jennica, "In bed I ask him what his fantasies are and fulfill them. He should do the same for me. Out of bed, I'll surprise a guy with treats, trips and he should do this for me."

Does Jennica let a guy know when she's interested, or does she play hard to get?

"Of course, I let him know. Well, it depends on if I'm interested. Otherwise, I may tease him a bit. We can small talk a little bit first and get to know each other. Maybe buy me a drink and have a few laughs together. You've done a great job if you've done that. Then maybe you'll get lucky one day."

See More of Jennica Lynn at XLGIRLS.COM!

Sweater Girl

Sweater Girl

There are sweater girls and there are sweater girls. Staff members of The SCORE Group can look at a girl in a mall, a club or the beach and not be impressed by her boobs while everyone else is bowled over. Jennica Lynn bowls us over.

"The funniest thing someone ever said to me was when I got introduced to a friend's friend and all he could say to me was 'Holy fucking titties,'" Jennica revealed. We didn't say that when Jennica first visited the SCORE Group office two years ago but we thought it.

What's the best part of being Jennica Lynn?

"I can usually get the man I want. I make sure I am showing cleavage, get him to look at me and then go talk to him. The looks from men and seeing their appreciation and approval makes me feel sexy. "

See More of Jennica Lynn at XLGIRLS.COM!

Happy Hour

Happy Hour

Shapely cocktail server Angel DeLuca has the sad task of telling you it's last call at the lounge. Now if you think you're done giving Angel a complete body scan with your eyes, you're mistaken. She's off the clock now and she's going to stick around and make sure she gives you a hard-on.

XLGirls: Angel, do you do household chores, like cleaning, topless or naked?

Angel: I like to vacuum in a tight, low-cut dress with six inch stilettos.

XLGirls: Nice. What superpower would you like to have for one day?

Angel: I would want to have Phoenix/Jean Grey's powers from X-Men.

XLGirls: Are you called by any pet names?

Angel: Usually it's "Open bobs BB" but I also get called Angel when they start looking at my face.

XLGirls: For editorial clarity, "Open bobs BB" is what some guys from non-English speaking countries will type when they're chatting with a cam girl. On the subject of "Show your boobs, baby," have your breasts ever fallen out of your top in public?

Angel: Once my wife's tit popped out during a Las Vegas dinner convention with Chaturbate. Does that count?

XLGirls: Not really. During a volleyball game on the beach was what we had in mind.

See More of Angel DeLuca at XLGIRLS.COM!