Emilia can have two sides to her in her videos and pictures. There is the serious, reserved Emilia and there is the fun-loving, easy-going Emilia. "I was shy growing up. Now I am more confident and assured," Emilia says. She should be confident. She has what women spend a lot of money to get but never really can obtain.
German wunderbabe Emilia looks hot in tight green and black lingerie. She has the kind of body that classic corsets and lingerie were made for. Watching a babe in her boudoir is very exciting. Emilia masturbates on-camera regularly, her HH-cup tits swinging hard enough to give a man a black eye. It would be well worth the pain.
Two of Emilia's videos are on DVD: The Greatest Big Bust DVD Ever Volume 3 and Ripe Racks 2 and she has pictorials published in four magazines so far. Check out eBoobStore.com for the editions.