At the tender age of 24, Kamille Amora has heard every pickup line imaginable. She definitely has holy hangers considering how many times guys have asked her if it hurt when she fell from heaven.
"Yeah, I get that one all of the time," Kamille said. "That's not even the funniest one I've heard, though. One guy said, 'Girl, come over here and hypnotize me with those I's.' I wasn't even sure what to do."
You wouldn't really have to do anything, Kamille. Simply standing still while we stare at your boobs is hypnotizing. And we've been lost under your spell for quite some time now. And that's just fine with Kamille.
"I enjoy the looks and attention I get," she said. "It felt a bit weird when I was younger, but now it feels good knowing that men want me. I like having eyes on me."